Tennessee Occupational Therapy Association Standard Operating Procedures 



Adopted October 2018

A. Attendance  

  1. All Executive Board officers and District Chairs are expected to attend all of the Executive Board meetings. Committee Chairs are encouraged to attend.

  2. If Executive Board voting members are unable to attend a meeting, they are required to notify the President and management, and submit a written report.

  3. In order to conduct business effectively, all Executive Board members need to be present on a regular basis. Any Board member who misses two consecutive meetings without providing representation may be replaced.

  4. All Executive Board meetings are open to all interested OT practitioners.

  5. All Executive Board members may utilize a proxy as approved by the President.

B. Budget  

  1. Executive Board members must complete and submit the “TNOTA Request for Reimbursement” form along with expense receipts to obtain reimbursement from the TNOTA treasurer. They must keep a copy for their records.

  2. All committee chairs must submit committee reports before they are reimbursed for expenses.

C. Correspondence  

  1. Keep copies of all correspondence and forward official correspondence to the next person in office.

  2. Official correspondence, which may be of historical interest, should be sent to the Association office to be placed in the TNOTA Archives.

D. Executive Board Handbooks  

  1. All voting members will receive a handbook upon taking office.

  2. Bring the handbook to every Executive Board meeting.

  3. Please do not add or remove pages unless instructed to do so by the President.

  4. The handbooks are the property of TNOTA. When you no longer hold office, return the handbook to TNOTA.

  5. If you have suggestions for improving the handbook, notify the President and management.

E. Minutes  

  1. All minutes are permanent TNOTA records.

  2. There are three complete sets of TNOTA Executive Board minutes. The originals are kept by the Secretary; one copy is kept by the President; and one copy is stored in the archival library at the Association office.

  3. District minutes are part of TNOTA’s permanent records. District secretaries are responsible for maintaining a complete set of District minutes. Copies of District minutes should be sent to the Association office.

F. Reports  

  1. Written reports will be required from all members of the Executive Board on a quarterly basis.

  2. Reports are to be sent to the Association office two weeks before the next scheduled Executive Board meeting.

  3. Reports will be distributed to the Executive Board by management prior to the meeting.

G. Meetings  

  1. Quarterly meetings will be scheduled in advance.

  2. Extra Executive Board meetings may be scheduled as needed to address particular issues, i.e., leadership training, strategic planning, budgeting.



PRESIDENT (voting member)

A. Selection and Qualifications:

1. Must be an OT/OTA and a member in good standing of TNOTA with at least one year experience as a member of the TNOTA Executive Board.

2. Elected by the membership in odd years for two years as President.

B. Functions and Responsibilities:

  1. Chief elected officer and representative of TNOTA.

  2. Member of the Affiliated State Association of Presidents (ASAP).

  3. Liaison between TNOTA, AOTA, academia, and other external organizations.

C. Specific Responsibilities:

  1. Direct and coordinate TNOTA Strategic Plan and Mission Statement and set annual goals and objectives.

  2. Appoint Standing and Special Committee chairs and Liaisons to AOTA. Inform AOTA of all new officers and appointees.

  3. Coordinate the orientation of new Executive Board members to Board functions.

  4. Coordinate the review and revision of theTNOTA Executive Board Handbook.

  5. Establish dates for Executive Board meetings.

  6. Preside at all Executive Board and state membership meetings.

  7. Prepare Executive Board meeting agendas and forward them to management two weeks prior to meeting for distribution.

  8. Ensure that Executive Board activities are summarized for the TNOTA Newsletter and website.

  1. Prepare and present Annual Report of TNOTA affairs at annual business meeting.

  2. Direct Treasurer and management to prepare proposed annual budget for approval by the Executive Board.

  3. Attend AOTA and the Affiliation of State Association Presidents (ASAP) meetings as approved by the Executive Board.

  4. Maintain a complete set of TNOTA minutes.

  5. Send materials of historical interest to the TNOTA association office.

  6. Submit the approved nominees for state regulatory boards.

   15. Attend or appoint a representative to attend state regulatory board meetings.

   16. Coordinate and direct communications to the lobbyist and state legislature through the Legislative Chair.

D. Line of Responsibility:

1. Accountable to the TNOTA membership and TNOTA Executive Board.


VICE PRESIDENT (voting member)

A. Selection and Qualifications:

  1. Must be an OT/OTA and a member in good standing of TNOTA.

  2. Elected by the membership in even years for two years as Vice President.

B. Functions and Responsibilities:

  1. Chief elected officer of TNOTA in the absence of the President and representative of TNOTA.

  2. Alternate liaison between TNOTA, AOTA, and other external organizations.

C. Specific Responsibilities:

  1. Perform all responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President.

  2. Coordinate all continuing education activities of TNOTA including the Annual Conference.

  3. Coordinate and appoint Conference Chair and the chairs of any continuing education activities.

  4. Additional responsibilities as assigned by the President or Executive Board.

D. Line of Responsibility:

1. Accountable to the TNOTA President, Executive Board, and membership.


SECRETARY (voting member)

A. Selection and Qualifications:

  1. Must be an OT/OTA and a member in good standing of TNOTA.

  2. Elected by the membership in odd years for a two-year term.

B. Functions and Responsibilities:

  1. Record the minutes of every TNOTA Executive Board meeting and any state membership meeting.

  2. Maintain a complete set of TNOTA minutes and documents including:

    1. Complete set of Executive Board minutes.

    2. Complete set of state membership or business meetings.

    3. TNOTA bylaws, all amendments to the Bylaws, and Articles of Incorporation.

    4. TNOTA Strategic Plan and all revisions to the plan.

    5. TNOTA Organizational Chart and all revisions to the chart.

    6. TNOTA Standard Operating Procedures and all revisions.

C. Specific Responsibilities:

  1. Take minutes.

  2. Record attendance at Executive Board meetings and verify quorum.

  3. Collect all Action Statements.

  4. Send minutes within a week to all Executive Board members. Send reports and handouts to others if they did not attend the meeting.

  5. Maintain “motion” list for tracking.

D. Line of Responsibility:

1. Reports to the TNOTA President.


TREASURER (voting member)

A. Selection and Qualifications:

  1. Must be an OT/OTA and a member in good standing of TNOTA.

  2. Elected by the membership in even years for a two-year term as Treasurer.

  3. The officer must be bonded in the state of Tennessee, paid by TNOTA.

B. Functions and Responsibilities:

  1. Keep accurate and current records of all financial transactions.

  2. Disburse funds in accordance with the budget and /or Executive Board approval.

  3. Coordinate, establish, and maintain an annual budget for TNOTA operations and provide financial reports for the Executive Board on a regular basis.

  4. Obtain district budgets prior to each new fiscal year.

C. Specific Responsibilities:

  1. Open or maintain checking and savings accounts in TNOTA’s name, using TNOTA’s Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). Work with the past Treasurer or arrange transfer of authorization to write checks.

  2. Maintain an acceptable automated accounting system.

  1. Submit a year-to-date financial report at each Executive Board meeting and state membership meeting. The report should include a balance sheet and profit and loss statement.

  2. Sign all checks promptly upon receipt of TNOTA reimbursement forms with attached receipts, or upon receipt of invoices by vendors and other outside agencies.

  3. Reimburse districts for expenses incurred upon receipt of TNOTA reimbursement forms with attached receipts.

  4. Work with TNOTA management to file appropriate state and federal tax returns.

  5. Prepare and submit with management to the Executive Board a year-end financial report of all TNOTA activities and a proposed budget for the coming year.

  6. Arrange for an annual audit or compilation as directed by the Executive Board.

  7. Obtain annual budgets and financial reports from each district.

D. Line of Responsibility:

1. Reports to the TNOTA President.



DISTRICT CHAIR (voting member)

A. Selection and Qualifications:

  1. Be a TNOTA member.

  2. Be nominated and elected by district members.

  3. Take office as stated in the bylaws.

B. Specific Responsibilities:

  1. Review the TNOTA bylaws, SOPs, and District Chair notebook.

  2. Meet with your district officers to:

  3. Plan all district meetings for the coming year.

  4. Determine objectives for the districts.

  5. Review and update SOPs of district Board members.

  6. Schedule and chair district meetings.

  7. Inform district members of actions and announcements of the Executive Board.

  8. Attend or appoint a proxy to the Executive Board meeting as a voting member.

  9. Provide a written/verbal report to the Executive Board meeting.

  10. With majority vote based on members present at the meeting, submit a written motion form for any requested action for the Executive Board to consider.

  11. Keep a district chair notebook, updating it as the Executive Board directs.

  12. Prepare a year-end report for the Executive Board including events, speakers and topics, and membership.

  13. Assure district news is submitted to the TNOTA Newsletter Editor.

  1. Work with the Annual Conference Chair (Vice-President) to plan, promote, and present the state Conference.

  2. Appoint district committee chairs to correspond to all state level committees, as appropriate.

  3. Prepare an annual budget for Executive Board approval and submit all requests for funding to the TNOTA Treasurer. Districts are entitled to 10% of membership dues generated from within that district for each fiscal year, updated (by Management) quarterly. District funds shall not “roll-over” from year to year. A working budget shall be established based on membership in each district on November first of the previous year.

  4. Assure communication continues between the district and the TNOTA leadership and management via phone, newsletter, fax, internet, et al.

C. Line of Responsibility:

1. Reports to TNOTA President.


DISTRICT VICE-CHAIR (non-voting, not a member of Executive Board):

A. Selection and Qualifications:

  1. Be a TNOTA member.

  2. Nominated and elected by district members.

B. Responsibilities:

  1. Schedule speakers and meeting places.

  2. Arrange for A-V equipment.

  1. Confirm location, equipment needs.

  2. Arrange for speaker gift.

  3. Chair the meetings when the Chair is absent.

  4. Represent the District at the TNOTA Executive Board meetings when the Chair is absent.

C. Line of Responsibility:

1. Reports to the District Chair


DISTRICT SECRETARY (non-voting, not a member of Executive Board):

A. Selection and Qualifications:

  1. Be a TNOTA member.

  2. Nominated and elected by district members.

B. Responsibilities:

  1. Record, maintain and report minutes of each District meeting.

  2. Maintain attendance list for each district meeting, including membership status.

  3. If not able to attend the meeting, arrange for another member to record the minutes, maintain attendance list.

  4. Provide acknowledgement to presenter.

C. Line of Responsibility:

1. Reports to the District Chair.



STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE (consensus voting member)

A. Selection and Qualifications:

  1. Be a TNOTA member and currently enrolled in a Tennessee OT/OTA program.

  2. OT/OTA student members shall select a student member representative to attend Executive Board meetings.

B. Specific Responsibilities:

  1. Serve as liaison between the Executive Board and the students of their OT and OTA educational programs.

  2. Attending student representatives will work with each other to arrive at a single consensus vote for all Executive Board actions.

  3. Inform students as to the activities of TNOTA.

  4. Attend Executive Board meetings, or send a representative if unable to attend.

  5. Obtain input from their student body/student representative.

  6. Assist the Scholarship Chair in promoting the TNOTA student scholarship program.

  7. Promote and encourage students to join TNOTA.

  8. Submit a report for Executive Board meetings.

C. Line of Responsibility:

1. Report to the TNOTA President.



AWARDS CHAIR (non-voting member)

A. Selection and Qualifications:

  1. Must be a member of TNOTA.

  2. Appointed by the President.

  3. Preside over the annual awards ceremony.

B. Specific Responsibilities:

  1. Announce a call for TNOTA and AOTA nominations for awards. The TNOTA newsletter, website and/or any other method of communication may be used.

  2. Set deadlines for receipt of award nominations.

  3. Review nomination forms for accuracy and completeness. Be sure the candidates meet the requirements established for the awards. Inform person or persons who submit nominations, if there are any concerns with the nomination forms. Nominations are confidential.

  4. Select TNOTA award recipients each year and arrange for presentation of awards at the TNOTA Annual Conference.

  1. Submit to the Executive Board for approval:

    1. designs for award certificates as needed

    2. ideas for new awards as needed

    3. guidelines for selecting recipients as needed

  2. Encourage TNOTA members to submit nominations for AOTA awards.

C. Line of Responsibility:

1. Reports to the TNOTA president.


MEMBERSHIP CHAIR (Non-voting member)

A. Selection and Qualifications:

  1. Must be a TNOTA member

  2. Appointed by the President

B. Specific Responsibilities:

1. Assure an accurate and up-to-date file of all TNOTA members with the assistance of management

2. Provide members with current membership data on a continuing basis

  1. Develop/update new member information packets.

  2. Develop an annual membership letter with the President

C. Line of Responsibility:

1. Reports to the TNOTA President

AOTA Representative and AOTA Alternative Representative (Non-voting on TNOTA Executive Board)

A. Selection and Qualifications:

  1. In addition to AOTA requirements, must be a member in good standing of TNOTA.

  2. Elected by AOTA members in the Tennessee election area for a three year term. See AOTA bylaws for details.

B. Functions and Responsibilities:

1. See AOTA bylaws.

C. Specific Responsibilities:

  1. Attend Executive Board meetings.

  2. AOTA activities are covered by the AOTA budget.

  3. As a non-voting member of the TNOTA Executive Board, reports to the President. As member of the AOTA Representative Assembly, reports to the Speaker of the Assembly and is accountable to all AOTA members in the Tennessee election area.

D. Line of Responsibility:

1. As a non-voting member of the TNOTA Executive Board, reports to the President. As member of the AOTA Representative Assembly, reports to the Speaker of the Assembly and is accountable to all AOTA members in the Tennessee election area.



May include the following:

  1. Membership Chair

  2. Awards Chair

  3. Communications Chair

  4. Continuing Education Chair

  5. Special Interest Chairs